“Once again the bizarre circus of art mounted his tents in the city, and the acrobats are ready to begin their show of the living art, the one who dances, singing and like the real life, makes you dream sometimes, and other scares you. The artist is not alone, but he’s part of a choral representation, is the spokesperson for the most revolutionary codes in a newborn fantasy.”
We can feel the ancient Roman Aquarium embracing us, while we move the first steps in the underwater Theatre at the discovery of an aquatic circus came from afar …Light seeps under the skin, in one month of May and illuminates the face of a new life, the ballerina has stayed poised on the waterfall, and throws petals of her soul down through the bursts.
The juggler with his tentacles gives the way to the Mask of Comedy that emerges tongue stuck out, from the darkness, while luminescent fishes swim into the 1900’s, and suddenly we too remain suspended in the Art’s time… So between ripped projects and glutted spirits, a black ink teardrop on the white makeup, smiles at the future of the City. “(Alexandra Mazzanti)
Lacrima Aquarium is a project curated by Alexandra Mazzanti and Giorgio de Finis, in collaboration with the Contemporary Art Gallery Dorothy Circus Gallery in Rome.
The exhibition is dedicated to the most essential and female element: water and the memory of it, which can feed and rebuild our lives. Lacrima Aquarium brings to the stage the works of 33 artists, painters, and sculptors from the new international pop surrealism scene, which represents the vanguard of contemporary figurative art.
The artworks – some from private collections, some brand new – deal with the theme of Water and express, through a dreamlike vision, the meaning of what the “Mother Tear” brings inside itself of the collective imaginary. Drop by drop the artists will create for the inspiring hall of the Roman Aquarium the ghost of a mother’s womb able to accept new doctrines, dreams, and thoughts.
During the opening event, the art video by Arash Radpour “La Creazione” will be displayed and the first and second volumes of Dorothy Circus Gallery’s annual catalogue, published by Drago Publishing and worldwide distribiuted, will be also presented.