Dorothy Circus Gallery | Double Solo Exhibition 16 Marzo - 13 Aprile 2024DCG Rome is excited to unveil a captivating convergence of surrealism in a duo exhibition featuring two exceptional painters: the visionary Argentinian artist, Peca, and the enigmatic Spanish surrealist, Jesus...Maggiori informazioni -
International Art Fair 20 - 23 Ottobre 2023Per la nostra seconda partecipazione ad Art Taipei, siamo orgogliosi di presentare 'Pink Me Up', una mostra collettiva curata da Dorothy Circus che celebra l'arte come un linguaggio universale, capace...Maggiori informazioni -
International Contemporary Art Fair 3 - 8 Maggio 2022We are proud to present that Dorothy Circus Gallery will be presenting a series of Artworks at the 2022 Mango Art Festival in collaboration with Joyman Gallery.Maggiori informazioni
The Mango Art Festival is Asia's first and only art festival that combines art, design, and performance. The Festival's goal is to develop Thailand's creative economy and demonstrate to the rest of the world what the country can do. As a result, Thailand will become one of the most popular art and design tourism destinations. From 2022 through 2025, the Mango Art Festival will be held at River City. RiverCity is widely regarded as Thailand's art center and is conveniently located.
PECA: God & Mezcal
Dorothy Circus Rome | Solo Show 10 Aprile - 29 Maggio 2021La Dorothy Circus Gallery di Roma è orgogliosa di presentare al suo pubblico romano la doppia personale degli artisti Peca e Koh Kisung, God & Mezcal e Yuri, che inaugureranno...Maggiori informazioni