Interview with Joe Sorren: exploring his new solo “Between the Wrinkles” at Dorothy Circus Gallery

Natalia Joruk, BEAUTIFUL BIZARRE , 9 Mar 2024
Having painted for over 30 years, it’s no surprise that Joe Sorren has become a prominent figure in the New Surrealism movement. He effortlessly blends gentle swathes of luminous paint to forge heartfelt narratives under a blanket of impressionism and surrealism, topped with his pop art flair. These bright and energetic paintings connect with memories lying deep in the subconscious as much as they bring something fresh and new, tiptoeing playfully on the line between nostalgia and something uniquely contemporary.
After a decade in Europe being influenced by the great masters, Joe Sorren celebrates in latest his solo show “Between the Wrinkles”, which opens this Saturday 9 March at Dorothy Circus Gallery London. Here, Joe traverses the “rooms of memory” across this brand-new collection. Soft brushstrokes frame tender-looking eyes. An array of everyday moments, told through fantastical creatures and humans alike, reflect relatable experiences elevated through Joe’s rich tapestry of colour.