Enchanted Visions

A review of Joe Sorren – Between the Wrinkles at Dorothy Circus Gallery, London
Lidia Militerno, TREBUCHET, 21 Mar 2024
In the vast landscape of contemporary art, artists who venture into the territory of fairy-tale imagery and fantasy worlds often find themselves sailing against the tide. Common perception might relegate such works to the realm of the “merely decorative” or, even worse, to the arena of “unserious” art. 
A prime example of this prejudice can be traced in the story of artist Margaret Tarrant, whose works laden with fantastic and fairy-tale elements were long underestimated by academic critics. However, the case of Joe Sorren offers a contrasting narrative. Since the early days of his artistic career, Sorren has captured the attention of critics and audiences alike, demonstrating that his creative approach, though rooted in a fairy-tale world, possesses a depth and relevance far beyond mere ornamentation. With his pictorial mastery and unique worldview, Sorren has created an artistic universe that enchants and captivates audiences worldwide.