Peca & Jesús Aguado. Astral flow & Cosmogony and pets

16 Mar — 13 Apr 2024 at the Dorothy Circus Gallery in Rome, Italy
MEER MAGAZINE , 11 Mar 2024
Opening at the Dorothy Circus Gallery in Rome is a fascinating convergence of surrealism in a double solo exhibition by Peca and Jesús Aguado.
The visionary Argentinian artist Peca and the enigmatic Spanish surrealist Jesús Aguado present their respective new collections titled Astral Flow and Cosmogony and Pets. These two exceptional painters are characterized by their fantastic iconography rooted in the Latin essence of Pop Surrealism that has contaminated its language from its origins and permeates the scenarios with references to the bizarre and the mystical. In a charming fusion of cultural richness and compositional innovation, in the dense and defined vocabulary of these two artists, dreamlike compositions are revealed.