The enchanting and disarming world of Hikari Shimoda is a perfect balance between cuteness and horror. Drawing from the Japanese manga and anime, this world is populated with starry-eyed children dressed in heroic costumes resembling Superman and magical girls. However, these works speak to problems and struggles in contemporary society.
On the other hand, Millo's world is populated by friendly inhabitants exploring their urban setting. Known for his consistently simple, monochromatic style matched with bits of color, he attempts to portrait the purest part of humans, enjoyment and play.
Welcoming the summer season, Dorothy Circus Gallery will present the double solo show dedicated to these talented artists. Titled Hikari Shimoda: Stand Up, Savior and Millo: Where the Streets Disappear and taking place in Rome and London, the exhibitions will bring together Shimoda's colorful and disarming artworks and Millo's emotional and poetic street art. These two artists will engage in an intense dialogue, highlighting their unique representation of adolescence and modern youth.